DUI & Marijuana DUI
There are many attorneys out there that represent clients on DUI cases. Why choose me? What separates me from other attorneys is my depth and knowledge and experience in all aspects of alcohol related DUI. I spent fourteen years as a prosecutor and that experience, I believe, provides an important advantage to my clients. More importantly, I have spent over a decade training law enforcement throughout the country on all aspects of impaired driving. I have true expertise when it comes to the background and tactics of DUI investigations, as well as having a deep understanding of the science and technology of toxicology and detailed knowledge of blood and breath testing. In addition to defending clients, and teaching polices officers, I also provide Attorney Consultations throughout the country.
Drug Impaired Driving – there is an increase in the number of people who are arrested for drug-impaired driving offenses in Colorado, and that includes all kinds of drugs, including prescription and illicit. While there are many attorneys out there that defend DUI cases, very few have a good grasp of differences between drug and alcohol impaired driving. Understanding the differences as to how these types of cases are investigated and the nuances in the science and toxicology are critical to a good defense.

Marijuana DUI – I am one of the country’s foremost experts regarding marijuana impaired driving. For more than a decade I have been training law enforcement officers throughout the country on how to conduct Marijuana DUI investigations. In 2015, I created a course, Marijuana DUI Investigations, a class designed to teach law enforcement officers how to better detect and investigate marijuana impaired drivers. If you are charged with a Marijuana DUI, there is no one more qualified to defend you than the person who has been teaching law enforcement how to do it.